Thursday, August 12, 2010

McGyver Tampon

A woman was talking to a friend about possibly having sex but not being certain. She claimed that she was completely smashed and couldn't remember?! Which usually means that he was pretty good! LOL
But that wasn't the crazy part... the crazy part was when she said and I quote "But we must of had sex because when I woke up in the morning my McGyver Tampon was completely jammed into the back of my vagina!" Ok... couldn't resist had to ask... Ummm what the fuck is a McGyver Tampon... "you know when you get your period but don't have a tampon so you roll up some toilet paper and shove it inside your pussy" WHOA...... Um... I can think of 1,000 things I would rather do.. maybe put the toilet paper on my underpants until I can get a tampon, ask another ANY OTHER woman if she had one she could spare, dig 50 cents out of my pocket and put it in that crazy white box that says it holds tampons or pads or worst case scenario I would just fucking bleed out.
Thanks D.R. the original McGyver Tampon user! LOL

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