Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend Day 1

We were off to Provincetown for Memorial Day weekend! Renee was singing along with the radio and all the windows were open! The wind was blowing in our faces and our arms were dangling out of the windows in the sun..until it happened... a ginormous beetle flew directly into my ear at approximately 100 mph bursting into a thousand gooey pieces. I heard the explosion just about the same time I felt the pain of the critters crusty little skeletal system bust apart!! Screaming I reached up and removed the empty beetle carcass (by pinching it between two fingers) while I continued to yell at Renee to get me a fucking napkin. After flinging it out the window I reached back into my ear to remove the yellow goo from my ear, which also contained two little beetle legs in it. Renee began sympathy screaming as we almost crashed into a semi...
Some how we survived the rest of the 3 hour drive to the cape and quickly exited the stifling vehicle and checked into our room. Room 211 was amazing except that there was just a bar with hangers and that constituted our "closet" but I guess when you drive hours away to be in gay paradise there really shouldn't be a closet should there?? Oh and no lotion or soap in the bathroom??? Hmmm
Off to Babalu's to meet friends and have a couple drinks. We met up with some peeps we hadn't seen in a while and as we gulped down our first 2 drinks a spider ate my left ankle (see photo of my ankle)after four drinks the sun was really taking an effect on all of us so we bolted to shower....
After Renee and I showered and ate dinner we rejoin our friends who are now coming out of the drunken fog we were all in earlier. The newest addition to the group offers me a piece of gum and then begins to tell me how she just threw up her clam chowder and calamari dinner in a dark porta potty... Excellent!!!!! And didn't get a drop on her!!
Off to dance until our out of town friends arrive late night.. we get a few drinks before collapsing into the bed and playing words with friends... I tried to be helpful offering possible words (because we had the letters a,b,l,e) but we just started rhyming like "cable or mable or sable or table or label etc" as Renee chuckled herself to sleep..

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