Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lesson Learned

After a week of training I can feel the "knowledge" and I am not talking blow jobs people.
First lesson learned... if at all possible use the men's lavatory over the women's. Three days consecutively there was a used tampon wrapper resting ever so gingerly ON THE TOILET PAPER ROLL in the ladies room.. now maybe its just me.. but I'll drip dry before I touch someone else's used fucking wrapper.
When I thought it couldn't get any better the third day... there was a blood clot adhered to the wall in said bathroom.. minus wrapper. Really? Blood clots? And this thing had some substance to it because it wasn't dripping down the wall or smeared it was a solid coagulated clot (black center), vagina height stuck on the wall. I wonder if she was just clearing the path for the tampon or perhaps it got on her finger? Stumped by the clot I took a picture and showed the boys sitting around me. All of whom dry heaved and said we were sick bitches. Then of course we played the "how much for you to swallow it down, dark center and all" game.

On the fourth day of training. If you have pubic hair mutton chops on your face and your a female (not a hasidic Jew) neaten that shit up!! Ladies, those things might as well serve as handles during sexual acts. And DO NOT try and comb them flat against your face? Just stop with the rogain and wax. But thank you for the hours of convo about what we would do with them *wink*

If you go out for beers and end up at a pub that is having a fund raiser and you think the waitress is next to you so you go to hand her money for the next round and quickly realize to your dismay that its someone "collecting for the cause" don't hesitate or try and take the money back... it looks terrible.

Last lesson of the week.. tell your hairdresser that your trying to grow out part of your hair BEFORE SHE CUTS IT OFF!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Alcohol Myths

After a night like last night I would just like to go over a few of the myths that I found about alcohol consumption because who the fuck would believe this shit??
1. Alcohol is a stimulant.
The myth obviously was made up by someone who never passed the fuck out in a car, bus, field, with someone ugly or on the bathroom floor using a towel for a pillow. Alcohol KNOCKS YOU THE FUCK OUT... and if it doesn't then your doing something WRONG!
2. Coffee, exercise or a cold shower will sober you up.
Unless your running to the bathroom for exercise and don't make it so you puke yellow bile (aka "coffee") all over yourself and then get in a cold shower to rinse off the chunks I don't see how any of these things have ever been considered as anticdotes to a hard night out? P.s. I have smelled someone actually sweating out alcohol..but thats a story for another time!
3. Alcohol is an aphrodisiac.
This is NOT A MYTH... you will become horny after drinking copious amounts of alcohol and ANYONE WILL APPEAR ATTRACTIVE... LOL That should be printed on the bottle cause who gives a fuck about calories?!
4. Coating your stomach with milk will slow absorbtion of alcohol.
Milk will slow the absorbtion of alcohol because if you ingest it while drunk YOU WILL BE VOMITING VIOLENTLY therefore no alcohol will be left in you dehydrated wreck of a body.
5. You will get drunk a lot quicker from hard alcohol then beer.
REALITY you will get drunk A LOT CHEAPER from beer then hard aclohol.

To all of you through the years (mostly my youth) that I have drunk dialed and or texted/sexed I hope it was as good for you as it was for me!!!!!